I think I have decided all you care about are pics of Cody anyway, so that is all I will give you! LOL
My precious angel is getting so big! Look at this pic and you can see how long and big boned he is. Sure he is chubby, but it's all baby lovin! It's almost comical to watch me carry him! I love this little man. He changes so much daily! We are pretty sure he will exceed 6ft when he is fully grown.
Here he is in his Daddy's cap. He loves to play with everything that is near our chairs. And he loves loves loves Daddy's stuff! He has such and amazing face! I just want to kiss all over it every time I see it! Poor little guy...he can't get away from those Mommy kisses! LOL

And of course Daddy's cowboy hat. He is a natural. He has found John Wayne and Clint Eastwood on the wall and loves to smile and laugh at them!

Here are pics of Cody's first time playing in the mud! I had to run down the road for something and when I got back him and Daddy were sitting in the front, and playing in the mud. He had a blast!

He loved to squish is in his toes and fingers.

And of course got a little hungry along the way! LOL This is mommy's new favorite pic. I just can't say enough about what I see, every time I look at this one!