Finally!!! I know that is what you are thinking. I finally got pics up. I don't have a whole lot. I was more interested in watching Cody, than taking pics! It was hard to remember the camera.

This is in the aquarium thing. It was so big and floor to ceiling glass. Cody kept going backwards and throwing his hands up. He wanted to catch all of them!! That is Melanie holding him.

Enjoying a pappy break! lol

This was at the dolphin pool. He loved this. And one came up really close to him!

This is when we left. Mary (Cody's babysitter) her 4 kiddos, Melanie (Mary's best-friend) and Cody and I. We had a good time, and were exhausted!

This is Cody as we were about to leave. Look at those tired baby eyes. He was so tired. He had a long day!! He did so good though, and was such a trooper. He had a blast!

This was taken Saturday. Cody got his first tooth this weekend. I was trying to get a picture, but he wouldn't let me get the tooth! Can you see the mohawk daddy gave him?

He is so adorable! And still has that little bug bite on his chin. It has been there for 3 months I think now!!!
He is turning into such a little man. Love the pics, especially at the table with his "mohawk" beautiful blue eyes and long out for the girls. Thanks for the new pics..A.Kathy
I cant wait to get my hands on him!! Tell him aunt christy has a kisses overload. Its time to empty.
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