Here is Cody during Lunch time! He loves his raviolis! This is when he gets a bath after meal time, instead of just using a wash rag!

As you can tell everyone gets messy!

Here is sister tired as a dog! lol She is thinking...."Cody has chased me around all day, and now you want pictures?"

Happy as can be in the tupperware drawer!

Hmmm what do I want to get out and throw now?....

Yum! Plastic!

Leaha making sure there is nothing to get at the moment! She is great at helping Mommy clean up after Cody's meal time! Sorry sister, nothing but baby toes at the moment!

To all of you who I complain to that my son looks nothing like me.....this pic proves me wrong. He now poses for all the pictures. Mommy's little ham! Here Cody is acting just like Mommy did when she was little -POSING-! LOL

"Mommy really, more pics?"

"ok if you insist!" As you can see, Leaha in her spot!

Love this boy!

"More mac and cheese please!"

Such a little guy here!
I have more pics but blogger won't let me upload them! =_(
Maybe tomorrow I can get some more up!