Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No one probably even read this anymore, since I can't seem to keep up with it!
Cody is still just a growing boy! He has found his feet....and he loves them. He does not want to let them go!!! He gets upset when he puts them in his mouth and they won't stay there! He is just too cute! He also hit a milestone on Tues morning. We were sitting in the living room with daddy, before we left for the day, and he looked down at his pappy (pacifire) and picked it up and put it in his mouth!!! I couldn't believe it!
I also took him to the lake last week. The Hayden's were camping out there for Spring Break, so we went and visited. We took him down to the water, and he sat in the dirt....he loved the dirt. It was his first experience....we don't get out much in the winter, and this was the first day the weather was good! He squished his hands in it and his toes, and just studied it! Kari, put his feet in the water. He just got real still again and intense...he had to figure out what that was! He had a really good time being outside. We stayed for a couple of hours....he will definitely be an outside boy! YEY! Hopefully I can get you the pics from that soon! I am so sorry I can't keep up with this thing! We don't have a computer anymore at home! My computer crashed in early January, and I haven't had one since, so I use the one at work early in the morning or during lunch! Thank goodness for the Hayden's! (Hayden, Hayden, Hayden - LOL)
Anyways hope this finds everyone well! Hopefully more pics coming soon!
*muah* (or moo whatever you prefer) ;)


Kiki said...

O.K. girly. You cant take forever to get pictures posted. I know you have better things to do like pick your nose, primp, and lay around in your undies all day. I do keep up but there hasnt been much to keep up with. Love you!! (snicker)

kathy b. said...

Yep, I'm with Christy, every few days I look, updates, no pics, but I faithfully keep looking, trying to keep up. I have both you and your sister under my favorites just to make it easy on my end. Get a computer and get to posting. Ask charles to help you get pricing or what you need. Computers are too cheap these days!

kylabear said...

where are the pictures woman!!!

karimommyof3 said...

UUMMMM!! You're in trouble! Here we are, half-way through APRIL, and you still haven't posted pictures!! You gonna get it :)