Friday, February 22, 2008


Already here we are, life is so boring that I have nothing to write about. People always ask what we have been up too. Well.....working, paying bills, and sleeping at night. How sad! =(
I don't mean life sucks. Life is really quite wonderful. God has truely blessed me with a wonderful husband, job, boss, family, just not a lot is going on in our world right now.
I know once I get pregnant though, I probably wont have enough time to say what we have been up to. But really right now, nothing is going on.
Hopefully Clint will take me fishing this weekend if the weather is nice. It's been a while since we have been on the lake.


vaddicks said...

You think when you get pregnant that you have a mouth full to say...not so much! When I am not getting sick, I am working. When I am not working or gettinf sick, I am spending time with Eric, and when I am not doing that, I am trying to sleep through the night. We finally decided on names, and the color of the there is nothing to talk about until our next doctors appointment...

Robyn said... you mean we are just getting older and have nothing to talk about except for the weather and politics! Man...who would of thought!

Kiki said...

What makes you think you won't have time to blog when you have a baby? If there is any advice I can give you ( That you probably won't take anyway) it is to not become just a mommy when you have your child. You will go insane. You are still going to be Robyn, and you are still going to be a wife. You have to make yourself take your time at first. Then you have to demand it. You will figure it out.