Monday, February 18, 2008


As many of you probably know, I work in a chiropractic office. All day long patients are coming in and out. I usually try to ask everyone how there day is going. I get all kinds of responses. But usually I get...."terrible or I wouldn't be here" or " Can anything else go wrong" or "I don't see why God just doesn't take me now."
Its understandable from time to time for everyone to have a rotten day, but why right off the bat complain about it. In general "How is your day"......Well the sun is shinning, I am alive and God is good.
I challenge everyone, including myself to be positive and help share with others to be positive. Of course you will have your bad days. If not Heaven wouldn't look so good!


Kiki said...

I always give an honest answer when someone asks me how my day is going. If you don't want an honest answer don't ask. In that moment they might be feeling that way, and need a few hours before they can look at the positive side of life. You should come up with some shocking come backs for those neg comments.

~beck~ said...

So true........I believe everyone makes the decision to either make it a good day or not...Yes, things will come our way that we have no control over, but we do make the choice everyday to either be positive or not....I truly believe this....