Well let's see how much I can catch up on! I can't believe Dec 11. was the last post! This is horrible! I guess it makes me feel a little bit better that Christy's last post was Dec 11 also! The holiday times are just hectic and crazy. Well Cody is growing and getting big! He turned 7 weeks old yesterday!!!! I can't believe it! He will be 2mths old soon. Time does speed up when you have kids. I am enjoying him so much he is wonderful! I have been so blessed with him. You know I have been thinking alot about all the wonderful things God has blessed me with. With the new year, I can't help but think how great 2008 was. I have a wonderful new son to love and enjoy. Great new friends to share great things with, the most wonderful job I could have ever hoped for, old friendships rekindled, a new niece, and tons of new babies, and then of course, all the things he continues to bless me with...my husband, my house, my family. 2008 was definately a good year for me!

Cody and I went to my hometown of Dallas for Christmas this year, to be with my family. I don't have any pics loaded of that yet but I will get to it. We had a good time. All of my mom's family came home this year for a surprise for my Memaw (Although we found out it had been spoiled). We had a great time and it was good to see my family that I hadn't seen in....well some of them 7 years! Cody and I stayed the nights with my dad. We enjoyed that too. I think all of us were pretty tired in the evenings, but we stilled enjoyed G-pa's company. I was also able to see some old friends. And I could kick myself in the booty for not getting any pics. If I don't get better with my camera.... I was given a really nice camera this year as a gift and look at me....I can't get any pics! I must get better at this in 2009! Ok so back to what I was saying ... it was good to see them. I miss them, and wish I could see them more. ( I still can't believe I didn't get pics!!!) I think me and Cody's most memorable gift will be the colds we brought home. We both caught a cold christmas day, and the day after christmas we new it!!! We are both doing a lot better now, just have a pesky cough that is lingering around. Now daddy is sick....and not happy with us. But I really think it was the guys at work that got him sick.
Speaking of work, I went back to work on Monday 12/28, and have been going non stop up there since. I feel like there is no ending in sight! I know eventually I will get everything caught back up and running smoothly again.....but its the running smoothly that may take awhile! I love being back up there though. I missed it! Cody stayed with grandma and grandpa on Monday and Tues., and with Ms. Kari, Ms. Kali, and Ms. Karis on Friday. I think he had a good time. Kari took pics of him and they are precious.....and I am so thankful for them!!!

Speaking of work, I went back to work on Monday 12/28, and have been going non stop up there since. I feel like there is no ending in sight! I know eventually I will get everything caught back up and running smoothly again.....but its the running smoothly that may take awhile! I love being back up there though. I missed it! Cody stayed with grandma and grandpa on Monday and Tues., and with Ms. Kari, Ms. Kali, and Ms. Karis on Friday. I think he had a good time. Kari took pics of him and they are precious.....and I am so thankful for them!!!

Did I really mess the office up that bad!?! Just kidding. We and It missed you lots and lots. I loved getting to love on little Mr. Cody James yesterday - - in fact rubbing it in to Tammy just a little tonight!! Love Ya'll, Kari
THANK YOU KARI for putting the pics up for me! I couldn't make it without you!
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