Monday, January 12, 2009

WOW what a weekend!

Did anyone happen to see the huge full moon this weekend??? Well if so, just let that explain my weekend. First it started with Friday at work I got something in my eye! What could I possibly get in my eye while at work....I work in an office! I still don't know what it was but it stayed there all day! I had to go to the Dr. Sat. morning for it. And my dumb insurance requires a referral from my PCP for that. So I go see one of the nincompoop PA's there and if you don't know what a nincompoop is....go see her! She "thinks" she got "something" out of my eye, but never saw it. I had to wear a patch all day on Sat. And the eye still hurt. Well now I don't necessarily feel like I have something stuck in there, (although from time to time it feels like it) but I am having blurred vision with that eye and halos (sp?) or rings around all lights. It's weired and has me concerned. So I go see the eye dr tomorrow. I had to call my PCP this morning and make them give me a referral. You know they are not a dr of everything!!!! An eye dr should look at your eye! DUH! Would you let a PA or MD adjust your back!!!! Well if so......your crazy and should rethink it!! Well that is Saturday, lets move on to Sunday. I talk Clint into Cody duty for 5 hrs, so I can clean house, do laundry, balance the check book and start our Dave plan. (More about the Dave plan later) I go into the office to start with the check book and begin my spreadsheet for the Dave plan and guess computer crashes!!!!! And when I say crashes, I mean completely gone!! I had to reinstall Microsoft Windows, and now I have nothing. I even have to reinstall each individual program on it!!! AAHHHH. Thank goodness for my awesome, always on call Uncle Charles. He helped me get Windows reinstalled, and I don't have to buy a new computer (because that is so not in the budget)! Now I just have to find more time to get my comp back to where I had it. Oh and so needless to say, all my pictures are gone!!! I have nothing! So be patient with me on pictures! It's really sad. Digital cameras are great, but at the same time.....I wish I had copies of a lot of those! Well gotta run. Back to work, time to clock back in!
Hope everyone's full moon is going better.....and if not.....your not alone!

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