It is so hard to keep up with my blog now. There just is not enough time for me anymore. But I know so many people keep up with it, that I will try my best to at least update with some photos! Well, update on my eye....I had a piece of metal embedded in it, and it was rusting. So
EYE Dr got it out and cleaned it up and it is starting to heal. My computer is still crashed and not working properly. I need to call my Uncle Charles, but have not has time yet to do that. Clint and I are getting rid of the DSL at home because well for one our computer is now poopie, and for two we are starting to Dave plan. Clint and I are going to try to pay off all our debt. Which is the truck and the mortgage, but that will set us up for better Cody's school activites, driving adn insurance, college, and so on. So wish us luck on that!
Here are some new pics I took this weekend of Cody. He is getting so big. My baby is 15lbs now! (Or was last week....who knows now!)
Cody with his big sister Leaha. She just loves him so much!
Look how big he is getting! I just love my little man!I will try to do more when I can!
look at that double chin! He is getting big
the "dave plan" that dave ramsay Total Money Makeover? We have the book and are now paying off charles truck, then mine, then house...then will be debt free. Yee Haw!
he is so cute, I wish we lived close, I'd love to see you guys!!!
He is SO cute and big. I still cant belive you carried and delivered an 8lb baby. Robert ad I are starting the Dave plan as well. Miss you take care
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