Ok, real quick, I wanted to share some pics with you!
This one is of me at my baby shower. I was so spoiled and blessed. Cody got some real awesome stuff, and is set for a while!!!

This is one of Cody's many new blankets. And you have to love the little cowboy boots that are sitting on the arm of the chair! They are so precious.
These are the tables that were at my party. Kari and Tammy did an

awesome job with decorating. The tables were so pretty.
And I always have to laugh at the one to the left here....That's as close as we could get Clint to the party. He stayed in his barn the

whole time.

And of course you know these girls by now. These are my friends Mariann and Nikole. (My prego buddies) Just found out last night Mariann will be having her baby tomorrow. Her Dr. is inducing her!!! Can't wait to meet little Russey!
Ok and these are pictures of my surprise birthday gift that Tammy and Kari did f

or me. I tell you I don't think I could do it with out these women! They constantly go out of their way to make me feel special.....and pregnant. (LOL) They took me down the street and got me a pedicure and a manicure!! They said every pregnant woman needs to be spoiled before they have their baby! Man did they

spoil me!! And the day they took me was actually on K

ari's brithday!!
This is Kari! I need pics of Tammy but don't have any....she is always behind the camera instead of in front of it. I

will have to work on that and get a pic of her!
Ok, ok I got a pic of Tammy.....if she doesn't like it, she will need to get me another one to put up of her! And if you never hear from me again.....Tammy did it!
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