Thursday, March 20, 2008


WOW! What an amazing gift. I am so happy right now. I feel like I need to put the world on speed dial and call everyone! I am so excited....and scared! I have never done this before! I just ask for everyone to pray with me that I have a healthy pregnancy and baby at the end. I am so nervous and of course have all kinds of fears running around. I pray I can just relax and calm down and give it to God, and remember that HE is in control.
Clint says he knew already. Said he keeps track of my cycle and my body, and he knew. I guess maybe, but when I told him he sure seemed surprised! Clint's birthday is this weekend. I wish I could be one of those people who make plans to have baby carrots, and baby back ribs, with baby drinks, or a DADDY card that says happy birthday you are a daddy! Or a shirt wrapped in a box as a birthday gift that says DADDY or something......but I can't wait. I have to tell everyone NOW!
I am barley just pregnant. Missed my cycle by one day and took a home test and went to the Dr. The online pregnancy calendar puts me at 4 weeks. I guess we will find out later when my real due date is.
I was feeling some symptoms that made me anxious to take the test. My stomach felt funny and tight feeling. Almost bloated but not bloated. and my milk makers where hurting. Kinda confused me, wasn't sure if I was going to start or something else. But I knew it felt off!
Anyways....wanted to let ya know! Keep us in your prayers.


Lee, Kasey, and Jameson said...

CONGRATS sweet girl! I'm praying that everything goes smoothly for you! Keep us updated. I'm excited you have a blog now, I'm adding you to my favorites.

vaddicks said...

I cried when I read reminded me of all of the feelings I had just before I found out that I was pregnant, and all of the excitment and fears I had when the test said positive! I am so happy for you. You are going to be a wonderful Mother! Yippee! And fyour niece/nephew to be will be around the same age, so that is way cool!

~beck~ said...

girl when you called i just could have jumped through the phone and hugged you.......You are going to be the best little mom ever... I just can't wait to see you with a little one by your side. I am so happy for you. This is the most blessed thing that can happen in our lives. Just wait to you feel your little angel moving inside you, it is so unexplainable. I can honestly say it is the most wonderful feeling that you will ever experience in your whole life.
Oh, the joys that you both will experience with your child. I just love being a mom, and I know you will too.
You better keep me informed on your progress. I want to know it all. Make sure to get on prenatal vitamins, and eat well balanced meals everyday. Oh, and one big thing get plenty of rest...

I am so very happy for you. I wish that I could be around you like old times and go with you through this fun time. But we will be in touch.....

Take care,
love ya like a sis,

p.s. tell clint congratulations from the griffith family,too.