Wow....time is precious when you become a mother. I never realized my days would go by as fast as they do now. And I never thought I would reflect on my day and ask the same question my husband does...." What did you do today?" Well honey, I ...... I am really not sure! LOL Maybe that is why I am so ready to go back to work. Not only because I love my job and am missing my patients...but because I feel productive there. I actually get stuff done....or so I think! haha I have gone in for a few hours here and there since I have been on maternity leave, and every time I go in, I look forward to the things I have to do? (Is that I need therapy?) Don't get me wrong, the only thing I am not looking forward to is leaving Cody. We have adjusted to eachother, and I am so use to having him with me all day long. Not sure how I will handle being without him for the whole day. (I KNOW I will be fine...but) I wish I could have it both ways. I definately couldn't take Cody to work with me though, I wouldn't get anything done. Then I would be back to not feeling like I accomplish anything! Hopefully I will adjust just fine and Cody will too, nad it will all just work out. Of course I am sure I will have so much work to do when I get bck in full force mode, that I won't have the time to even think about it!
Things have been good. Cody has a Dr appt tomorrow. We are going to a new pediatrician. I was just too unhappy with the other one. I am going to take my child, somewhere I feel comfortable too. Not somewhere I just can't stand or don't trust. My baby boy is just growing like crazy! He is still changing every day. He will be a month old tomorrow! Can you believe it! I am working on trying to get him on a schedule. It's kinda hard to figure all this stuff out. He is sleeping good at night. Or good for what I expected. He wakes up every 3 hours to eat and get a new diaper. I am trying to get him to only wake up once at night. And trying to get him into his own bed. The "own bed" thing is not going well at this point...but he is still only 4 weeks old! I let hime take his longer naps in the morning, and try to keep him up more in the afternoon, hoping that will tire him out more, so maybe he will sleep longer. Its a slow process, but think I may be making some progress.
I don't really have any new pictures to share! Sorry. Hopefully I will have more when I get back from Dallas. Cody and I are going to Dallas for Christmas this year. That is where all my family lives. We are staying for a whole week. So I am sure I should have plenty of pics.......right!?!?! This is his first I better!
Ok gotta run, he is waking up.
Hope you all have a blessed day!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
CODY.....(what else is there?)
My precious baby boy. Here are some more pics to enjoy!

Grandma never wants to put him down. Every time she is here, she holds him the whole time!!!! =)

Aunt Christy, G-pa, and Cody's cousins came for the weekend. This is the only pic I got!!!! Told you I was awful! Don't worry about looking for Ben in this pic....he is off running around the house somewhere!!!!
Grandma never wants to put him down. Every time she is here, she holds him the whole time!!!! =)
Aunt Christy, G-pa, and Cody's cousins came for the weekend. This is the only pic I got!!!! Told you I was awful! Don't worry about looking for Ben in this pic....he is off running around the house somewhere!!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
So little time!
I keep telling myself I am going to get things going again with my blog. I feel like I am leaving people behing. My friends and family both through my blog and my myspace are just being left out and neglegted! Cody takes so much of my time though, there just arn't enough hours in the day...and I am sleeping less hours than I use too!!!!
We are doing well. We have adjusted to eachother and are learning eachother. I am starting to know what each cry means and what to do. He is such a good baby. God just continues to bless me each day! I keep thinking he is so perfect, and God shows me how much more perfect he can get. I have to say life is wonderful right now. There have been a couple times of restless nights when he stayed up crying all night long, but we got through them. It kills me not knowing what to do to make my precious angel happy, but I am learning. And that has only happened 2 or 3 times. For the most part he is wonderful.
I am having a problem with the pediatrician! I don't like him at all!!! Now I have to find another one that is in our network on our plan, and there is no one I can find that I think I would be happy with!!! I was even recommended to this one! So what do I do now??? I guess I will figure it out somehow! His circumcision looks good and is healing, and hes ambilical cord feel off a week ago, and so we are ok at this point. He does need to gain some weight. He was to gain 6 oz by today, so I need to find some where to get him weighed. I have been having problems breast feeding. He wasn't getting enough milk. Clint and I had to drive to Edna one night around 11:00 because he just kept crying because he was so hungry and there was nothing left for me to give him. Once I got him a bottle, and he ate all of it he was just content and happy. So now I am pumping and giving him that and having to still give him a bottle with formula. I am hating that I have to do that, but I have to feed my son, and make sure he is eating right! Everyone keeps telling me that I will produce what he needs, but so far it's not happening. Maybe it still will!?!?!
Here are some other pics. Will try to add them as I can. Taking them is hard. I just can't get the camera out when I need too! I will get better at that since I have a new camera to take awesome pictures!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
New to the Mommy bussiness!
First appologies are in order! For the not returning of phone calls, the lack of blogging and the no emailing! I am still trying to get use to things, and it seems this is at the bottom of the list to try to keep up with. My priorities have definitley changed. But be patient with me. I will get use to all this. I don't have pics yet. Partially because I haven't really taken any, I tend to rather keep him cozy and content, instead of trying to find my camera and disterbing him for a picture. And the othr part is.... I am doing all I can to type this now....when would I have time to download some pictures!!!! LOL
So much to learn at this point! We are good though. Cody and I are getting use to eachother and beginning to figure things out! (Of course with lots of help from Aunt Christy, and our Kari!) Ok, so I have to go....he is getting fussy and not too happy that mommy is on the computer. I promise more will come and pictures will be included. Aunt Christy is coming with G-pa this weekend, so maybe I can get some other things done!
So much to learn at this point! We are good though. Cody and I are getting use to eachother and beginning to figure things out! (Of course with lots of help from Aunt Christy, and our Kari!) Ok, so I have to go....he is getting fussy and not too happy that mommy is on the computer. I promise more will come and pictures will be included. Aunt Christy is coming with G-pa this weekend, so maybe I can get some other things done!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A First Look at Cody James Novak
Friday, November 14, 2008
Welcome baby Cody!!!
Robyn did such a good job from what I hear! Cody was born this evening.
8lbs 6 oz 19 inches long
No tearing or cutting. Hooray for Robyn!!
Pictures coming soon!!
posted by:Aunt Christy
8lbs 6 oz 19 inches long
No tearing or cutting. Hooray for Robyn!!
Pictures coming soon!!
posted by:Aunt Christy
Update on Robyn
Robyn just called and said She is doing well. In case you didn't know, she was induced at 5:45 this morning. She is now dilated to a 3. She is fully effaced and baby Cody is at a station zero. They broke her water and just gave her an epidural so she is starting to feel much better. I will let her fill us all in on the details when and if she gets her birth story written. Now we just sit back and wait. I will be back to update later. All your prayers are much appreciated and she gives her smoochies.
Posted by: Aunt Christy
Posted by: Aunt Christy
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tomorrow is the Day!!!
I am being induced at 5AM on Friday morning! Pray for us!
I will have someone getting pictures up as soon as they can.
*Hugs and Kisses*
I will have someone getting pictures up as soon as they can.
*Hugs and Kisses*
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
YEY...Some pictures!!!
Ok, real quick, I wanted to share some pics with you!
This one is of me at my baby shower. I was so spoiled and blessed. Cody got some real awesome stuff, and is set for a while!!!

This is one of Cody's many new blankets. And you have to love the little cowboy boots that are sitting on the arm of the chair! They are so precious.
These are the tables that were at my party. Kari and Tammy did an
awesome job with decorating. The tables were so pretty.
And I always have to laugh at the one to the left here....That's as close as we could get Clint to the party. He stayed in his barn the
whole time.
And of course you know these girls by now. These are my friends Mariann and Nikole. (My prego buddies) Just found out last night Mariann will be having her baby tomorrow. Her Dr. is inducing her!!! Can't wait to meet little Russey!
Ok and these are pictures of my surprise birthday gift that Tammy and Kari did f
or me. I tell you I don't think I could do it with out these women! They constantly go out of their way to make me feel special.....and pregnant. (LOL) They took me down the street and got me a pedicure and a manicure!! They said every pregnant woman needs to be spoiled before they have their baby! Man did they
spoil me!! And the day they took me was actually on K
ari's brithday!!
This is Kari! I need pics of Tammy but don't have any....she is always behind the camera instead of in front of it. I
will have to work on that and get a pic of her!
Ok, ok I got a pic of Tammy.....if she doesn't like it, she will need to get me another one to put up of her! And if you never hear from me again.....Tammy did it!
This one is of me at my baby shower. I was so spoiled and blessed. Cody got some real awesome stuff, and is set for a while!!!

These are the tables that were at my party. Kari and Tammy did an

And I always have to laugh at the one to the left here....That's as close as we could get Clint to the party. He stayed in his barn the

Ok and these are pictures of my surprise birthday gift that Tammy and Kari did f

This is Kari! I need pics of Tammy but don't have any....she is always behind the camera instead of in front of it. I

Ok, ok I got a pic of Tammy.....if she doesn't like it, she will need to get me another one to put up of her! And if you never hear from me again.....Tammy did it!

Friday, November 7, 2008
38 weeks
Well I guess I will start with my Dr. appt yesterday. We are both still healthy. I am still at a 1!!! No further progress made in the last week! Dr went ahead and scheduled me for next week. Said if I haven't had him by next week then at that appointment we will need to go ahead and schedule for me to be induced. She doesn't want me to go past 40 weeks. And I don't want to either. At that point other health risk become involved. So please pray for us on that. I really would prefer to have him come when he is ready and not be induced. Hopefully he will come within this next week.
I have so much more to tell you about. My baby shower I will get something posted on. I also need to tell you how wonderful Tammy Atkinson, and Kari Hayden are too me, and how they continue to spoil me. And about how Jason and Kari both couldn't be more wonderful people! So I will get all that info to ya'll but right now I am just so busy!
I have so much more to tell you about. My baby shower I will get something posted on. I also need to tell you how wonderful Tammy Atkinson, and Kari Hayden are too me, and how they continue to spoil me. And about how Jason and Kari both couldn't be more wonderful people! So I will get all that info to ya'll but right now I am just so busy!
Friday, October 31, 2008
37 weeks!!!!!!
Went to the Dr. yesterday, and Mr. Cody is doing great. Causing mommy lots of pain and discomfort!!! I am 1 cm dilated!!!!! Which means he is getting ready. Wahoo! I am getting so excited. She said he is still in the head down position and engaged. So he is ready. She said next week when I go in we will talk about the possibility of inducing between 39 - 41 weeks. Depending on his size and everything. But I am not really worried about it. Something tells me I may not make it to 39 weeks. That is still 2 weeks away.
And let me just say I have some wonderful friends. Kari and Tammy came over last night to help me clean the house before my baby shower this Saturday. And man, when they say they are going to clean, they are serious about it. All the way to cleaning the dust off my walls!!!! My house smelt so good. I feel like I just watched them clean.....but was purely exhausted by the time they left. We didn't get to finish everything, because some one was rushing us. He was ready to come inside and rest a bit, and didn't want to do that with people in the house! ( go figure) But I am so appreciative to their help. I couldn't have possibly done the things they did for me!!!
So another busy weekend ahead, but after that hopefully I can find some time to try and relax a bit....if Cody lets me! As long as he waits though until at least next Mon he can come anytime he like after that. I can't believe I am getting so close. Before I know it I am going to have a baby!!!
And let me just say I have some wonderful friends. Kari and Tammy came over last night to help me clean the house before my baby shower this Saturday. And man, when they say they are going to clean, they are serious about it. All the way to cleaning the dust off my walls!!!! My house smelt so good. I feel like I just watched them clean.....but was purely exhausted by the time they left. We didn't get to finish everything, because some one was rushing us. He was ready to come inside and rest a bit, and didn't want to do that with people in the house! ( go figure) But I am so appreciative to their help. I couldn't have possibly done the things they did for me!!!
So another busy weekend ahead, but after that hopefully I can find some time to try and relax a bit....if Cody lets me! As long as he waits though until at least next Mon he can come anytime he like after that. I can't believe I am getting so close. Before I know it I am going to have a baby!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
36 weeks
This mornings Dr. visit was real quick. She listened to the babies hear beat, which is good, and said we were healthy! I gained 2 lbs this last week!! I'm at 123.6lbs. Which means baby Cody is growing too. I have noticed him moving less. (NOT MUCH ROOM TO MOVE NOW) But just less active. He still has the active moments, but think he may have started a sleep pattern.?.? This week has been completely hectic and stressful and crazy for me. I have the ACS Relay For Life this weekend. And am trying to get everything finished and together for it. Plus trying to find some time to clean a little here or there before my baby shower next weekend. But it's hard after working all day, and making baby all day....sometimes I just need to go home and put my feet up and rest. Part of me feels guilty for that, the other part says, this is part of taking care of Cody. I just feel so blessed though, to have a job where I can work up until I have the baby, because my boss doesn't stress me out. I love being at work (unless I am tired because the days are getting longer LOL) . Don't get me wrong, it has its stressful days, but the stress I have is the stress I have put on myself.
I have to share with ya'll one of my little blessings I have noticed.....At 36 weeks I am still able to squat over a public toilet. I was concerned that by this point, that would not be possible, but I am still able to.....YES,.... God is good!
I have to share with ya'll one of my little blessings I have noticed.....At 36 weeks I am still able to squat over a public toilet. I was concerned that by this point, that would not be possible, but I am still able to.....YES,.... God is good!
Friday, October 17, 2008
35 weeks
Well I went to the Dr. yesterday. Everything looks good she said. I am going every week now. She checked me to be sure I wasn't dialated, and said he is head down "and has assumed the position" she said he is right there. Christy said that means he is probably engaged. So he is ready. Just hoping he waits another 2 1/2 to 3 weeks! I didn't gain a single pound in 2 weeks, but my dr was ok with this. She said I have gained healthy throughout my pregnancy. So I am still at 121lbs. Which is great I think. I am battling real bad allergies right now. Had to go home sick Wednesday. (That was a first for me!!) She told me to take some claritin and keep it under control. She doesn't want me getting a sinus infection or anything while I am this far along.
On another note I had two friends hold a "photo shoot" for me on Wed afternoon. They are so good to me!!! I didn't have any "full body" pics of me while prego, all of them are just stomach shots. So they took a bunch! Here are just a few....

On another note I had two friends hold a "photo shoot" for me on Wed afternoon. They are so good to me!!! I didn't have any "full body" pics of me while prego, all of them are just stomach shots. So they took a bunch! Here are just a few....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Update (sorry it has taken so long)
Hi there everyone. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to keep up. I have been so busy, and it seems its only going to get worse. I have no spare time from now (or should I say from 3 weeks back) until the 2nd weekend in November. And at that point....I may be having my little boy! Everyone keeps telling me they don't think I am going to last until November. Well I hope I do...just too much left going on!!!
Well my last Dr. visit was last Thurs., the 2nd. Everything was good. She said my weight (which is at 121 lbs) is just perfect, and baby sounds good, and test are coming back good, and things are right on track. It was a very quick, no fuss appointment. For my next one though, I think there may be some fussing. On Thursday night, Robyn had a little accident. I was walking down my dark hallway to the bedroom and tripped over Leaha and fell, right on my stomach. I hit pretty hard, and oh man did it hurt. I called my sister, because I knew she would be able to tell me what to do. (And she did) After calming me and talking me through, she said just to call my Dr. and see what she wanted me to do. Well she said I needed to go to the hospital, so they could monitor me. So Clint took me to the hospital. He was so amazing too. I just love him! So anyway, they monitored Cody and I for about an hour and half, maybe two hours, and we checked out ok. She said Cody seemed happy and in no distress. She said I was having some contractions, so she kept me a little longer to be sure there was no signs of pre-term labor, then sent me home. Well as far as these little contractions go.....let me just say they are stinking awful!!!!! I had not been having any, but starting .... well I guess yesterday has been the worst, the braxton hicks contractions have been in full force. LOVELY, let me just tell you. It's getting harder to make it through a full day of work, but so far I am making it.
Anyway, I go back to the Dr. next Thurs. the 16th. Hopefully I will get a chance to update that day!
Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
Well my last Dr. visit was last Thurs., the 2nd. Everything was good. She said my weight (which is at 121 lbs) is just perfect, and baby sounds good, and test are coming back good, and things are right on track. It was a very quick, no fuss appointment. For my next one though, I think there may be some fussing. On Thursday night, Robyn had a little accident. I was walking down my dark hallway to the bedroom and tripped over Leaha and fell, right on my stomach. I hit pretty hard, and oh man did it hurt. I called my sister, because I knew she would be able to tell me what to do. (And she did) After calming me and talking me through, she said just to call my Dr. and see what she wanted me to do. Well she said I needed to go to the hospital, so they could monitor me. So Clint took me to the hospital. He was so amazing too. I just love him! So anyway, they monitored Cody and I for about an hour and half, maybe two hours, and we checked out ok. She said Cody seemed happy and in no distress. She said I was having some contractions, so she kept me a little longer to be sure there was no signs of pre-term labor, then sent me home. Well as far as these little contractions go.....let me just say they are stinking awful!!!!! I had not been having any, but starting .... well I guess yesterday has been the worst, the braxton hicks contractions have been in full force. LOVELY, let me just tell you. It's getting harder to make it through a full day of work, but so far I am making it.
Anyway, I go back to the Dr. next Thurs. the 16th. Hopefully I will get a chance to update that day!
Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Long time, no see

These are from last weekend. A friend of mine's baby shower. She is due 2 days before me. All 3 of us are preggo.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Hurricane Ike
Wow, so much to say, and really nothing at all! Well the hurricane came on Fri night into Sat morning. And I must say we were truly blessed. The worst we got was 60-70 mph winds and no rain. No real damage done. Lost some tree branches, and a baby tree we had just planted blew over, but Clint was able to stand it back up. Time will tell if it makes it. So we came out good. I got a lot of grief from Clint and my family about staying and not evacuating, but I had to make a decision based on what I felt was safest. Do I leave and get on the road by myself at 8 months pregnant and have no one to help if I have a flat or some other crazy evacuee tries to rob me or whatever, or do I stay at home with my husband were I know I will be safe with him. No one really agreed much, but I stayed. I felt safer with him than gone with out him!
The worst part has really been Clint not being at home though. He has been working in Galveston all weekend. He leaves about 5 am and gets home about 11. He has been putting in about 16 hr days. This morning he left at 4AM. Of course I get up with him when he comes home and when he gets up. It's the only time I get to see him!!! We aren't sure if he will get to come home tonight. He may be gone for a few days! It really stinks and I am really missing him. The worst part is his phone doesn't work while he is there. I guess they lost some cell phone towers there, because you can call, but it won't connect. So I have no clue what is going on. I didn't even know if he was coming home until he just showed up. So now I am just waiting again to see if he comes home tonight or 3 days from now. He thought tonight and tomorrow he would be staying. So now I just wait for him. Anyone wanna come stay the night with me and keep me company until he gets back?? I do ok during the day, but hate it at night!!! I hear everything, even the sound of my breath will shake me up. But I get through it!
Oh and Leaha is better. She is walking now without help.
And I have a Dr appt Thurs. They canceled last weeks because of the hurricane. I feel pretty good though, and think Cody is doing pretty good. He is getting bigger and stronger, I am sure of that.
The worst part has really been Clint not being at home though. He has been working in Galveston all weekend. He leaves about 5 am and gets home about 11. He has been putting in about 16 hr days. This morning he left at 4AM. Of course I get up with him when he comes home and when he gets up. It's the only time I get to see him!!! We aren't sure if he will get to come home tonight. He may be gone for a few days! It really stinks and I am really missing him. The worst part is his phone doesn't work while he is there. I guess they lost some cell phone towers there, because you can call, but it won't connect. So I have no clue what is going on. I didn't even know if he was coming home until he just showed up. So now I am just waiting again to see if he comes home tonight or 3 days from now. He thought tonight and tomorrow he would be staying. So now I just wait for him. Anyone wanna come stay the night with me and keep me company until he gets back?? I do ok during the day, but hate it at night!!! I hear everything, even the sound of my breath will shake me up. But I get through it!
Oh and Leaha is better. She is walking now without help.
And I have a Dr appt Thurs. They canceled last weeks because of the hurricane. I feel pretty good though, and think Cody is doing pretty good. He is getting bigger and stronger, I am sure of that.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Leaha Update
Well my boss, Dr. Hayden, went and looked at Leaha's x-rays. (This man is really wonderful! I just love my boss!!!) He said she does look like she is in pretty bad shape. He said if we all didn't think that she probably got kicked by a cow, he would try and do some adjustments to see if he could get the vertebrae back in place. But he is worried there could be a fracture that can not be seen and he would only make things worse. Dr. Wilfert (Leaha's Dr) said he had another vet come in and look at the x-ray also, and all three dr's are pretty much in agreement that hopes are good for her because she has all her reflexes, nervous system is good, and spinal cord is not damaged. But we have to get her to use the bathroom. Still no poopie for 8 days now. THAT IS NOT GOOD. So Robyn had to go to the store today and buy an enema. So now you know what I will be doing tomorrow. Giving my baby an enema!! I guess I will just think of this as one of life's experiences! But she needs it so I will do it!!! Hopefully we can get her peeing and pooping back on track. That is our biggest worry, because it can make her really sick. Dr. Wilfert said he wants to see some kind of improvement by Monday. Oh I hope she improves. Her demeanor seems good with Clint and I, except she gets really frustrated that she can't walk.
Just wanted to update ya'll!
Just wanted to update ya'll!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well my baby girl (Leaha) is hurt pretty badly. We took her to the vet on Saturday, because Thursday she came home and wasn't able to walk. He couldn't really find anything wrong. Her reflexes were working and she showed no signs of severe pain. She was really irritable when he had to do a rectal exam, but said she wasn't constipated. We discussed doing x-rays but he said he didn't think anything was broke or fractured because she was allowing Clint to carry her and didn't seem like she was in pain. He gave her a shot and gave us some medicine and said to bring her back Tues. if she wasn't better. Well the weekend was rough on us. She didn't get better, and she wasn't using the bathroom. She had for sure been been holding her peepee all day sat, sun, and mon. and we think probably friday also. Well Monday night I guess the build up was too much and she went potty all over herself. (And her blanket and my couch) You could tell she was upset. She really thought she was going to get in trouble, but Clint and I were just so relieved that she had gone! But she hasn't pooped since at least Thurs. We are pretty worried about that. Anyways, so we took her back to the vet yesterday. He did x-rays this time. He had to partially knock her out for that, but they did show us something. She doesn't have any broken bones or fractures, but in her low back area, she has a vertebrae that is out of place. He said there really isn't anything he can do to help her. No surgery would fix it. He said she should walk again but it may be a couple of months before we can expect that. Maybe a month before any progress at all. Our main concern at this point is making sure she uses the bathroom. He gave us pain pills for her, but I just don't know if they are working right. Last night after she started coming out of the pain shot he gave her, she started crying. She cried off and on throughout the night. Seemed about every hour she would wake up. I slept in the living room with her last night ( and got absolutely NO sleep). I just don't know what to do to comfort her. We left her in the house this morning. I couldn't put her out side with 100 degree temp out there, while she is hurting so bad and on pain pills. I talked to my boss about it this morning. He is going to go over to her Dr. and look at the x-rays with him. She may start having to come in for adjustments. ( I work for a chiropractor for those who don't know) I hope he can help her. We can't take it when she cries so much, especially since before we never even heard a wimper out of her!!! So please pray for her. I know that seems silly to some people, but she is very much our child and we are very concerned parents.
Buster seems really concerned also. He can tell something is wrong and when she does go outside, he just licks and kisses her. He misses her, since she has been inside so much!
That's where we are at for now. Clint has decided no matter what the cost we will be checking on getting a fence for the yard. No more wandering for our children! (AMEN!!!) He wants it anyway for Cody. He doesn't want his son to not be able to be outside if he wants to be.
Buster seems really concerned also. He can tell something is wrong and when she does go outside, he just licks and kisses her. He misses her, since she has been inside so much!
That's where we are at for now. Clint has decided no matter what the cost we will be checking on getting a fence for the yard. No more wandering for our children! (AMEN!!!) He wants it anyway for Cody. He doesn't want his son to not be able to be outside if he wants to be.
Friday, August 29, 2008
28 weeks
I had a Dr. visit yesterday. Everything went well. I had my diabetes testing done. The drink is pretty gross, but I tolerated it. The worst part was being there for 2 hours....and the drawing of my blood....and the shot they had to give me. But still baby and I are healthy, so that is all I can ask for. She is very happy with my weight. I am at 115 lbs. She said I am right on the marker with my weight gain. Not too much, not too little. So that is good. I'll see if I can't get some pictures of me this weekend. I have a feeling though we are going to be pretty busy. We are watching hurricane Gustav right now. No one is sure where it is going but pretty much everyone is on alert. Including the highway department. So if Clint gets called in, we may be having to do our preparations early. I don't really think its going to come to us this time, but Clint does. Of course you just don't know until its pretty much here, where its going. Tomorrow we have to take Leaha to the vet. My baby girl has hurt herself AGAIN!! I got home yesterday and she could barley walk. This morning still the same thing. She acts almost like she has no use of her back legs. I am really worried about her and of course cried on my way to work because I felt like a horrible momma. After 10 min of just getting her to the back door, she just plopped down right at the door. As I was leaving she gave me those puppy eyes that said " Momma don't leave me, I don't feel good, I am hurting" I am gonna cry again just thinking about it. Hopefully Clint can take off early today and go home to get her inside. So tomorrow is another vet visit, and bill! Well I guess that's kinda where we are at. Baby Cody is stretching out right now, so I guess he is up and now is going to start his normal "beating on mommy" routine! But I love it! I love being able to feel him.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Babies, Babies, Babies
First off I want to start by welcoming to the world baby Jackson, and baby Bryce! My friend Vi had a her baby boy on Saturday Aug. 16. I have only seen pictures but he is so precious. It just makes me feel like my pregnancy is so much more real! It's weird I know but just seeing all the pictures of her belly and him being in there, and then all the sudden, tah-dah...Jackson is here! It's kinda sad though, because now we aren't pregnant together anymore!!! =( It's great though also, because she gave me all the details of having your first child and things to do or not do. Well as much as she could in the time Jackson allowed, before he started yelling for her! LOL
And my other friend Melissa had her baby boy Bryce on Aug 9. He is very premature, his due date wasn't until Sept 22. But as of now he is doing ok. This is her 3rd child. She is hoping maybe he can come home this weekend, so keep them in your prayers.
And of course I am still waiting on baby Micah! WHEN IS SHE GOING TO GET HERE. I bet she holds out and waits until Sept. 1. I really was thinking Christy may have her this week, but .... you never know.
So far everything is going good with me and Cody. He is just getting bigger. Right now my biggest battle is finding maternity clothes!!!! So I feel blessed, that is all I am faced with at this point. Hope these next 3 months go as easy as the last month has been.
And my other friend Melissa had her baby boy Bryce on Aug 9. He is very premature, his due date wasn't until Sept 22. But as of now he is doing ok. This is her 3rd child. She is hoping maybe he can come home this weekend, so keep them in your prayers.
And of course I am still waiting on baby Micah! WHEN IS SHE GOING TO GET HERE. I bet she holds out and waits until Sept. 1. I really was thinking Christy may have her this week, but .... you never know.
So far everything is going good with me and Cody. He is just getting bigger. Right now my biggest battle is finding maternity clothes!!!! So I feel blessed, that is all I am faced with at this point. Hope these next 3 months go as easy as the last month has been.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Low Rider
Well I had my Dr. appt yesterday. Everything went well. We listen to Cody's heart beat, and it sounded good. I was telling her about my pelvic pain I was having and she said, "yeah that can happen when you are pregnant" .... Well when she went to check for him and listen to the heart beat she couldn't find him. She kept feeling and finally when she got all the way down "there" she found him. She said " Oh my, he is ALL down there honey" I said well yeah....could have told you that....just like it feels he is! She was surprised. But anyway so my little man is ridding low and mommy is sure feeling it. I am sure I look hillarious at times, because sometimes it hurts to walk and I have a waddle/bow legged thing going on! LOL But we are healthy. Blood pressure was good. Weight gain is coming along. I go in 3 weeks for my diabetes test, then it will be every two weeks after that! will be here before I know it!
Hope all is well! Much love to you all
Hope all is well! Much love to you all
Friday, August 1, 2008
Pictures for you
ok, so this is me this morning, Aug. 1 at 24 weeks! Wow only 10-15 more weeks to go. I can't believe it.
Little Cody is getting bigger! YEY! I weighed myself yesterday morning and am now at 110 lbs. GO ROBYN, GO ROBYN I have gained 2 lbs alone in just a week. I am very happy with my weight gain so far. As long as I can keep up the good work without having bad test results at the Dr. My next visit is on Tues. Aug. 5, so I will let ya know what happens then.
Love you all and hope your days are awesome!
Monday, July 28, 2008
WOW 23.4 weeks!
Time really is flying. I feel there are still so many things to do, and decisions to make. I am sure this will probably continue for the rest of my
Anyways, things have been going good. Feeling better and having better days. (for now) Still stretching quit a bit, and of course that gets uncomfortable, but absolutely a blessing. Of course our little man is growing and getting bigger and stronger. He has this obsession here lately with pushing on my pelvic bone. I try to move him around and sometimes he cooperates and others not so much. I look funny trying to walk when he is there. But still all in all, such a blessing. I am really at a point where I am able to enjoy my pregnancy.
Clint and I did decide on a name this weekend. He will be Cody James. I know this makes my Aunt Kathy happy, as the name Cody was her recommendation from the get go. I think its going to be a good name. Clint was insistent on it anyway, so not much choice after that! haha
Not a whole lot other going on. Trying to decide on things I need. What I want to use what I may not use. Getting together some baby shower gift ideas. So on and so on. I promise to try and get a new pic up as soon as I can. I am much bigger than 4 weeks ago!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Anyways, things have been going good. Feeling better and having better days. (for now) Still stretching quit a bit, and of course that gets uncomfortable, but absolutely a blessing. Of course our little man is growing and getting bigger and stronger. He has this obsession here lately with pushing on my pelvic bone. I try to move him around and sometimes he cooperates and others not so much. I look funny trying to walk when he is there. But still all in all, such a blessing. I am really at a point where I am able to enjoy my pregnancy.
Clint and I did decide on a name this weekend. He will be Cody James. I know this makes my Aunt Kathy happy, as the name Cody was her recommendation from the get go. I think its going to be a good name. Clint was insistent on it anyway, so not much choice after that! haha
Not a whole lot other going on. Trying to decide on things I need. What I want to use what I may not use. Getting together some baby shower gift ideas. So on and so on. I promise to try and get a new pic up as soon as I can. I am much bigger than 4 weeks ago!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So I have always thought I had a pretty good appetite. But nothing could have prepared me for the appetite this little baby has. Oh my goodness, I eat all day long. I am always so hungry. Let me break it down for you. During the work week, I usually start my morning off with a big glass of cranberry juice, by 7:00 or so I eat a little biscuit egg cheese sausage sandwich. Around 9:00-10:00 (depending on patient volume) I am eating a bag of cereal, or grapes or something snacky. Then of course lunch, sometimes left overs or sandwich and chips or whatever I can get my hands on! Then around 2:00 or 3:ish I am into the pretzel's and peanut butter. Or whatever sweets the Dr and I have stashed around the office, and by 6:00 (when I get off work) I am starving and ready for a huge dinner. By 7:00 or 7:30 I am ready for dessert, which here lately has been cookies and milk. ( And as a side note I must tell you my wonderful husband turned the fridge all the way up for me, because I was complaining my milk wasn't cold enough. He complains because now he gets brain freeze, when he grabs a gatorade, and the pink lemonade has ice forming on top of it. But he leaves it for me......cuz the milk is soooooo good cold like that!)
On the weekends, its not so much of a schedule, as just walking to the fridge almost every hour just to grab something to munch on! And trust me......yes we are feeling all of this in the checkbook! But hey, MY BABY IS HUNGRY!!!
On the weekends, its not so much of a schedule, as just walking to the fridge almost every hour just to grab something to munch on! And trust me......yes we are feeling all of this in the checkbook! But hey, MY BABY IS HUNGRY!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
OMG....I am going to have a little baby boy! They are pretty sure of it they said. WOW! It's so different just knowing what you are going to have. Now I have so much to do! I will get the new sono pics up as soon as I can! I was going to try and hold out on telling Clint. He wasn't able to go with me this morning, he isn't one for Dr's offices. Anyways he called me about 9:30, wanting to know. I tried to hold out and couldn't. I knew he would be thrilled and sure enough, he was and is! I can't believe it....a boy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Round Ligament Pains!!!!!
OMG! Let me just say...OUCH!!!!!! I am sitting here now wondering why round ligament pains have to hurt so bad and be so brutal! I have been having general ligament pains for a couple of months now. An ouch here or there when I cough, sneeze, get up or move suddenly. But starting 2 weeks ago, I had an attack on the right side of my stomach. It was early in the morning. Around 5:45, and they hit. I was crying the pain was so bad. Clint wasn't even sure he should go to work and leave me there at home. Well they lasted about 45 min. I called the doctor because at that time I was unsure what they were. They assured me round ligament pain. I have done research on it now and discovered your round ligaments can spasm. Which is exactly what mine did that morning. So okay I know now, and I can deal with this.....well let me tell you! Right now it is 12:00 (lunch) and I have been having severe round ligament pains since 5:00 this morning. They are on the left side this time and awful. They have been spasming all morning. Or should I say day so far. I have been putting warm packs on but its not helping in the least. And the more stretching my belly does the more the ligaments will pain me! AAAAAAAHHHHHH how am I going to make it through labor. Please God, make labor fast and about an hour or less of time! PLEASE! I wish I could explain this pain to you! I will definitely discuss it with my doctor next week when I see her! Ok well there is my complaining for the day!
Hope every one is well.
Hope every one is well.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just have some pics to share
ok, so I have been hassled for pictures. So here are some. I really do need to try to be better about this. The first picture is me at 17 weeks. The second picture is me at 19 weeks. I just took it this morning. And the last picture is me this morning. Just thought I would give you all a smile! Does my face look like it might be getting fatter also? I don't know if you can tell from this pic, but I have been having awful acne problems with my pregnancy. More so than I have ever had. My makeup covers it pretty well in the morning, but don't come see me in the evening! haha
Anyways, my belly is definitely growing!!!! YEY!!! I just want a big healthy baby. But big in moderation not big! LOL
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Baby Movements
19 weeks (tomorrow) Whew half way there!
Well I am now feeling the baby. I have been feeling movements for about 2 weeks now! It's the most wonderful thing. And very neat! Most of the time its mostly flutters and bubblies, but the other day it was like a thud. Just one but was really cool. Only 2 more weeks until I find out what the baby is! JULY 8! And I can't wait. I have so much to do! My sister-in-law Donna send home a whole bunch of stuff with her parents this last weekend. I have like 5 or 6 boxes of stuff I need to go through. Lot's of clothes and blankets and things. She collected a bunch of stuff from people she knew also. She sent Ryley's crib also. I need to get it out of the box and clean it up and make sure I can use it. There are a bunch of things that were in her garage so we moved to our garage and I need to go through outside and clean it all! But that should be fun, because its all baby stuff. So if you wonder what I'll be up to this weekend....wonder no more! lol There was one box of clothes I did go through and all these little 0-3mths clothing, and somehow it just makes it all seem so more real! Weird, but it was just different you know.
Things have been good. Getting bigger! I wish I had a new pic up. I will try to get one soon!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Well I am now feeling the baby. I have been feeling movements for about 2 weeks now! It's the most wonderful thing. And very neat! Most of the time its mostly flutters and bubblies, but the other day it was like a thud. Just one but was really cool. Only 2 more weeks until I find out what the baby is! JULY 8! And I can't wait. I have so much to do! My sister-in-law Donna send home a whole bunch of stuff with her parents this last weekend. I have like 5 or 6 boxes of stuff I need to go through. Lot's of clothes and blankets and things. She collected a bunch of stuff from people she knew also. She sent Ryley's crib also. I need to get it out of the box and clean it up and make sure I can use it. There are a bunch of things that were in her garage so we moved to our garage and I need to go through outside and clean it all! But that should be fun, because its all baby stuff. So if you wonder what I'll be up to this weekend....wonder no more! lol There was one box of clothes I did go through and all these little 0-3mths clothing, and somehow it just makes it all seem so more real! Weird, but it was just different you know.
Things have been good. Getting bigger! I wish I had a new pic up. I will try to get one soon!
Hope all is well with everyone!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Blaze of Glory?
Ok, so not exactly a blaze of glory, but a blaze none the less. Well I guess I better fess up and tell everyone what happened. I have experienced and learned alot while being pregnant. And my most important lesson came this last weekend. IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO COOK, PLEASE DON'T TRY TO, WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT! Robyn almost burnt the house down this weekend. If Clint wouldn't have been there, I am sure I would have. I was cooking supper, and Clint had just brought in some fresh squash and okra from the garden. So I start to heat up the grease. Well I knew the grease was a little dirty, but figured I could get another cooking out of it. So I start to cut up everything. During this time my mind is also preoccupied with the chicken fried steak I have going and when to start the potatoes and when to start the gravy, and the million other things that occupy my mind during a day. So anyway I notice before I put the okra in that I have more that likely burned the grease. But I tell myself oh well, it should still be ok. So I dump in the okra. That's when it all happend. The grease started overflowing out of the pan. HOT GREASE mind you. I don't know if I screamed for Clint or just panicked and he knew to come running, but he came in there quick. I was just standing there not sure what to do. Clint's daddy was burned really bad last year by hot grease, so I yelled at Clint not to touch it. Well he disobeyed. (probably a good thing) he grabbed the pan and took it off the hot burner. (something I could not have done without burning myself) he was going to turn the burner off, when the flames began blazing. They reached to the top of the vent and were big and huge. I though to grab the fire extinguisher, but Clint told me no, you can't put out a grease fire with a regular extinguisher. So I know you smother it but its a flat stove top and grease is everywhere. SMOTHER WITH WHAT! (later I thought about the baking soda in the fridge or flour, but not at this moment) Of course by now I am crying!! Anyways, long story short, my wonderful hero of a husband got everything under control and cleaned up all the mess. Dinner sucked that night but we lived and so did the house. If he wouldn't have been there, I have no clue what would have happened. As you can imagine, I cried for an hour or two, and then felt like poopie afterwards. It took me all night to get myself back together. Clint tried to comfort me, but at the point I was at, there was no return.
Moral of the husbands are absolutely good for j/k. Really, just be careful while cooking and pregnant.
Moral of the husbands are absolutely good for j/k. Really, just be careful while cooking and pregnant.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
16 week Dr. Appt
Well I am 16 weeks.
Went to the Dr. this morning. The appt took all of about 30 min. That included the blood work they did on me. She was testing my hemoglobin's for an iron deficiency. We will see how that comes out. We listened to the baby's heart beat. It was strong, and she said very good. She said I have only gained 2 lbs since my last visit, which she is ok with as long as I keep gaining. She said as long as the baby stays healthy her goal is for me to gain 20 lbs.
NO SONO done today. She said next visit we will do another sono and see if its a boy or a girl. Next appt is July 8......Is it July yet?
I will be almost 21 weeks by then.
Anyway it was a good visit, she said the baby and I were healthy. That's all I can ask for.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Went to the Dr. this morning. The appt took all of about 30 min. That included the blood work they did on me. She was testing my hemoglobin's for an iron deficiency. We will see how that comes out. We listened to the baby's heart beat. It was strong, and she said very good. She said I have only gained 2 lbs since my last visit, which she is ok with as long as I keep gaining. She said as long as the baby stays healthy her goal is for me to gain 20 lbs.
NO SONO done today. She said next visit we will do another sono and see if its a boy or a girl. Next appt is July 8......Is it July yet?
I will be almost 21 weeks by then.
Anyway it was a good visit, she said the baby and I were healthy. That's all I can ask for.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My growing belly
Well I am gaining some weight. YEY! about 8 lbs I guess. I have had to change to maternity clothes. Or at least the bottoms for now. I am about 32 inches around. Feeling better, but still having my days. The dizziness is what is really kicking my booty. But I am making it through, and taking each day as it comes. My next Dr's appointment is next Thurs, June 5.
As of now I am 15 weeks. They say I should start feeling the baby move in the next week to 4 weeks. I am ready for that. I can't wait. I am also ready to find out what it is. I have so much planning to do. Still undecided on how to do the baby's room, but am thinking more shapes and colors than animals or themes. But you never know, anything could change my mind at this point. I really need to get into the spare bedroom (the baby's room) and just get it cleaned out and ready for baby stuff to be moved in. Its on my to do list.
Clint and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday. The years sure go by fast. (I can only imagine how much faster they will go when we have the baby. ) We had a very simple evening, but then again that is us. He had the kitchen cleaned when I got home. (which he has been doing a lot of) And we had a really simple dinner. Tuna fish and egg sandwiches. YUM! He made it. Robyn's just not a cook. Especially after being at work for 11 1/2 hours. That tends to tucker you out! We watched a movie together, and then went to bed....I don't think I would have wanted it to go any other way. Well unless we were off work completely and spent the day together fishing on the lake. That would have been nice! ;)
I am thinking about having my "Dallas" baby shower in December when I come home for Christmas. Like an after baby shower. That way, people who don't get to see me much anyway will have time to see and play with the baby. And it means only one trip home for me. Which will make things easier....and cheaper. Still in the planning, but thinking.
Hope everyone is well and having a fantastic day! Much love xoxo
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The days just seem to fly by!
Sorry it has been 12 days since I have been on here and written anything. Seems like the days just fly by and before you know it, its been 2 weeks. WOW...hope Nov and Dec get here soon! I have lots going on at that time!
Things are getting a little better for me. I got quite a bit of stuff marked off my list of things to be done over the weekend. So that helped me to feel better. I even cleaned house. That was impressive. Clint bought me a new washer and dryer over the weekend. I love it. Our washer and dryer before was handed down to us by his parents. They were needing to be replaced at that time, so I figure us getting 4 years of use out of them was great. Clint said with the baby coming he wanted a washer and dryer that would work and not cause us problems. (Especially since he wants the baby to wear cloth diapers instead of the easy to chunk in the trash can kind!)
I have lots of things going through my mind now. Thing I have to think about and make decisions on. {What am I going to do with the baby's room, what hospital am I going to deliver at, what are we going to do about child care, how am I going to get my husband that new pick up truck he so deserves, I need to rebudget for baby, can we really afford this, how do I keep my husband calm when I'm not} Just stuff to add to my list and mark off I guess.
Hope everyone's well. Have a wonderful day!
Things are getting a little better for me. I got quite a bit of stuff marked off my list of things to be done over the weekend. So that helped me to feel better. I even cleaned house. That was impressive. Clint bought me a new washer and dryer over the weekend. I love it. Our washer and dryer before was handed down to us by his parents. They were needing to be replaced at that time, so I figure us getting 4 years of use out of them was great. Clint said with the baby coming he wanted a washer and dryer that would work and not cause us problems. (Especially since he wants the baby to wear cloth diapers instead of the easy to chunk in the trash can kind!)
I have lots of things going through my mind now. Thing I have to think about and make decisions on. {What am I going to do with the baby's room, what hospital am I going to deliver at, what are we going to do about child care, how am I going to get my husband that new pick up truck he so deserves, I need to rebudget for baby, can we really afford this, how do I keep my husband calm when I'm not} Just stuff to add to my list and mark off I guess.
Hope everyone's well. Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Baby Update

Well I went to the Doctor this morning and had a pretty good visit. They did my sonogram finally!!! and I am not 11 weeks pregnant anymore...I am now 12 weeks pregnant. They changed my due date to Nov. 20. The baby is bigger and older than we thought! YEY...Good bye first trimester! Whahoo! She said everything looked good and healthy so far. I got to hear the baby's heart beat and see its hands and feet and it was very cute. Very active this morning. My tech that did the ultrasound for me said she thinks it may be a girl, but of course it is still way too early to tell. My doctor also told me I have A negative blood, which gives me the RH factor, which means I have to gt a shot of relgam (?) at about 20 weeks. She said my body will try to make up antibodies to attack the baby. Not so serious with the first pregnancy, but more usually with #2 or later. So I will get the shot. (Oh how I love shots!) Other than that, I go again in 4 wks.
I have been starting to feel a little better, although Clint won't vouch for that, but I do have somewhat more energy than before, and my appetite has come back, so things are looking good. If I can just pass the dizzy spells, and feeling as though I am going to pass out. She said it was normal, so I just have to be careful and get through it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wow what an adventure. What to say about Vegas..... It was nice, and very pretty and big. The hotels are massive! The hotel we stayed at was the MGM Grand and it is bigger than the town that I live in! They were really neat though, and I would love to go back when I am not pregnant. I got really sick on the planes and felt awful! And on Sunday, we walked all day long and by the end of the day, my body had all it could take! I am already fatigued and sick, and Vegas was multiplying my symptoms times 10! I pushed my body too far. I will go back one day though when I am not prego! We didn't get to see any shows or anything, there just wasn't enough time! Anyways, it was an experience and I am thankful my dad provided it for me. I did have a good time all in all. And it was nice to see my dad and sister and spend some time with them!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My First Appt as a Prego
OMG, let me just say how frustrated I am. First a warning.
*WARNING: mood swings are a part of pregnancy. Please read the following with care and caution*
I go today and just meet with the nurse, which I guess I knew. They did my history and blood and urine testing. And that's it. No Dr. no nothing! (She did send me home with a bag load of stuff but still) And get this....this is great.....I don't have another appt until 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS! Can you believe that. I don't even see my Dr. for the first time until I am 11 weeks pregnant. They will do my first sono at this appt I think they said, but still! What's the deal. I figured I would see the Dr. before 11 weeks.
I am starting to have some relief in my morning sickness which I am extremely thankful for, but don't like to talk about it alot in fear that it may come back, so....shhhh
In other Robyn news, I go to Las Vegas this weekend with my dad and sister. I am excited. I think we are going to have a blast. I will let you know how it all goes when I get back.
PS please keep me in your prayers. My husband is talking about getting me a dishwasher! Can you believe it! We just have to find one that is short enough for our counters and with in our budget. If you know of anything please let me know! It can't be taller than 32 1/2 inches (32 preferably he said) and less than $300.
Hope every is having a wonderful day! xoxo
*WARNING: mood swings are a part of pregnancy. Please read the following with care and caution*
I go today and just meet with the nurse, which I guess I knew. They did my history and blood and urine testing. And that's it. No Dr. no nothing! (She did send me home with a bag load of stuff but still) And get this....this is great.....I don't have another appt until 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS! Can you believe that. I don't even see my Dr. for the first time until I am 11 weeks pregnant. They will do my first sono at this appt I think they said, but still! What's the deal. I figured I would see the Dr. before 11 weeks.
I am starting to have some relief in my morning sickness which I am extremely thankful for, but don't like to talk about it alot in fear that it may come back, so....shhhh
In other Robyn news, I go to Las Vegas this weekend with my dad and sister. I am excited. I think we are going to have a blast. I will let you know how it all goes when I get back.
PS please keep me in your prayers. My husband is talking about getting me a dishwasher! Can you believe it! We just have to find one that is short enough for our counters and with in our budget. If you know of anything please let me know! It can't be taller than 32 1/2 inches (32 preferably he said) and less than $300.
Hope every is having a wonderful day! xoxo
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
HaHa Funny Funny!
Well this is funny. Clint and I are laying in bed last night, just chit chattin, and he says " I am so ready for you to have this baby already!" HAHA but the funnier thing is ME TOO! Man 9 months go by so fast when you are not the one pregnant. It's funny because all the people that I know that are pregnant right now, at first their pregnancies were moving so quickly along, and now.... it seems like they are all on a stand still. It's kinda comical, I just had to share.
My sister says I haven't been blogging enough. Its been 8 days. The first of the month is usually crazy for me at work, so I have just been really busy.....and extremely tired!
I decided my prenatal vitamins are what was making me sick, so I quit taking the Rx ones and am back on the over the counter ones. At least until next week when I go see my Dr.
Man, can you believe I go to Vegas next weekend! WOW, now that has come fast.
Hope everyone is having a blessed day!
My sister says I haven't been blogging enough. Its been 8 days. The first of the month is usually crazy for me at work, so I have just been really busy.....and extremely tired!
I decided my prenatal vitamins are what was making me sick, so I quit taking the Rx ones and am back on the over the counter ones. At least until next week when I go see my Dr.
Man, can you believe I go to Vegas next weekend! WOW, now that has come fast.
Hope everyone is having a blessed day!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
And the sickness begins!
Well I am now having morning sickness! I was very nauseated for a week or so now, but as of yesterday, I have begun the ..... other part. And thank you to all of you who have been asking if I was having morning sickness yet, and I was saying "No, I am doing ok". I am blaming this on you! Oh man!!! This is just not fun. I'm exhausted and sick. It's getting extremely hard to function at work, and at home! So many things to do, but all I can do is lay down. YOU SHOULD SEE MY HOUSE! But its a good thing, that I would never let you. Not at this point. I was out of town for the weekend, and Clint certainly lived it up. It's just not his mess though, I have to admit, some is mine. But I have not had a second to clean and it is starting to bother me. My wonderful husband is so good to me though. He just like " leave it, it can wait, don't worry about it" But it still bothers me. I don't like having a messy house.
My face is also starting to break out pretty bad. My emotions are on a roller coaster, and my mood (or patience or temper if you would like to call it) is not something to play with at this point.
Clint just smiles and reminds me I wanted this! ...... God really slapped the book to us with pregnancy didn't he! I really wish Eve would not have eaten that apple!
On the lighter happier side. I am happy! And still extatic and giddy. This is truly a blessing and gift from God. When I am barfing I just need to be thankful I am able to be pregnant!
My face is also starting to break out pretty bad. My emotions are on a roller coaster, and my mood (or patience or temper if you would like to call it) is not something to play with at this point.
Clint just smiles and reminds me I wanted this! ...... God really slapped the book to us with pregnancy didn't he! I really wish Eve would not have eaten that apple!
On the lighter happier side. I am happy! And still extatic and giddy. This is truly a blessing and gift from God. When I am barfing I just need to be thankful I am able to be pregnant!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Paranoid Preggo?
I have told myself and told myself, "You will not be a crazy paranoid pregnant woman!" Well I guess I am not crazy paranoid, but I am paranoid, I am already driving myself crazy! ((My sister would already be annoyed with me for sure!))
It's just that I keep wondering with every little pain or tick if everything is ok. Or if I can eat this or eat that. If I should do this or that. Should I not be doing this? I was hoping I could be one of those cool, calm, and collected pregnant woman that just sit back and enjoy! That's how I would prefer it. I need to just get out of my head. (easier said than done!) This is when I begin to really hate the analytical part in me.
Anyways...the nausea has really been kicking my butt this morning. Absolutely NO appetite. I made breakfast and threw it in the trash. I'm just yuck feeling. I brought some dry cereal to work, hopefully I can get myself to munch on that a little.
It's just that I keep wondering with every little pain or tick if everything is ok. Or if I can eat this or eat that. If I should do this or that. Should I not be doing this? I was hoping I could be one of those cool, calm, and collected pregnant woman that just sit back and enjoy! That's how I would prefer it. I need to just get out of my head. (easier said than done!) This is when I begin to really hate the analytical part in me.
Anyways...the nausea has really been kicking my butt this morning. Absolutely NO appetite. I made breakfast and threw it in the trash. I'm just yuck feeling. I brought some dry cereal to work, hopefully I can get myself to munch on that a little.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So far
Well tomorrow I will be 5 weeks. No real morning sickness yet. Which is a mixed blessing. They say morning sickness means nothing more than a healthy pregnancy. But people who don't get morning sickness still have healthy pregnancy and babies. I have been fighting to eat lately. I'm hungry, but when I get to eating I don't have an appetite for what is in front of me. Or if I am at home nothing in the house seems edible for me!! Not all the time, but quite a bit. I just force myself to eat something. My stomach area is still bothersome, or should I say uncomfortable. I am trying to change my diet and habits. I want to be more healthy. I am concerned about what I drink though. When at home I am a big water person. Which is good for you, but I read an article yesterday about how it may not be safe to drink tap water while pregnant. Well we have well water, but just the same what about the chemicals all the farmers around us use. I am sure that can get into my well. I haven't decided what to do about this. I can't afford a water cooler at home, bottle water will probably get very expensive. Anyone have any thoughts or advice I would appreciate your thoughts. Or anything you drink while pregnant. I have to have liquid at all times. I have completely cut caffeine since last week. I am doing pretty well with that.
In other news....this weekend I am going to Bastrop to see my memaw and papaw. It's only 2 hours away (so much closer) They are camping for the week. Hopefully Aunt Kathy, Christy and the boys will come also, and I can see them.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
In other news....this weekend I am going to Bastrop to see my memaw and papaw. It's only 2 hours away (so much closer) They are camping for the week. Hopefully Aunt Kathy, Christy and the boys will come also, and I can see them.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
WOW! What an amazing gift. I am so happy right now. I feel like I need to put the world on speed dial and call everyone! I am so excited....and scared! I have never done this before! I just ask for everyone to pray with me that I have a healthy pregnancy and baby at the end. I am so nervous and of course have all kinds of fears running around. I pray I can just relax and calm down and give it to God, and remember that HE is in control.
Clint says he knew already. Said he keeps track of my cycle and my body, and he knew. I guess maybe, but when I told him he sure seemed surprised! Clint's birthday is this weekend. I wish I could be one of those people who make plans to have baby carrots, and baby back ribs, with baby drinks, or a DADDY card that says happy birthday you are a daddy! Or a shirt wrapped in a box as a birthday gift that says DADDY or something......but I can't wait. I have to tell everyone NOW!
I am barley just pregnant. Missed my cycle by one day and took a home test and went to the Dr. The online pregnancy calendar puts me at 4 weeks. I guess we will find out later when my real due date is.
I was feeling some symptoms that made me anxious to take the test. My stomach felt funny and tight feeling. Almost bloated but not bloated. and my milk makers where hurting. Kinda confused me, wasn't sure if I was going to start or something else. But I knew it felt off!
Anyways....wanted to let ya know! Keep us in your prayers.
Clint says he knew already. Said he keeps track of my cycle and my body, and he knew. I guess maybe, but when I told him he sure seemed surprised! Clint's birthday is this weekend. I wish I could be one of those people who make plans to have baby carrots, and baby back ribs, with baby drinks, or a DADDY card that says happy birthday you are a daddy! Or a shirt wrapped in a box as a birthday gift that says DADDY or something......but I can't wait. I have to tell everyone NOW!
I am barley just pregnant. Missed my cycle by one day and took a home test and went to the Dr. The online pregnancy calendar puts me at 4 weeks. I guess we will find out later when my real due date is.
I was feeling some symptoms that made me anxious to take the test. My stomach felt funny and tight feeling. Almost bloated but not bloated. and my milk makers where hurting. Kinda confused me, wasn't sure if I was going to start or something else. But I knew it felt off!
Anyways....wanted to let ya know! Keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Las Vegas
My sister and I will be going to Las Vegas next month. My dad is turning 50 this year and we are going to help him celebrate! He is meeting us there. I am so excited, I know we are going to have a wonderful time. (although, I am a little nervous, but I think thats because I watch a little too much CSI Las Vegas!) Anyway I have been looking online at some things for us to do besides just the casinos. We are staying at the MGM Grand, so I have been looking in that area. I am a little sad about what I found. There is a lot to do, but everything cost about $100 per event. I thought circus ohlea might be fun, but its a hundred bucks. I thought we would see the magician ( I can't remember his name) but thats a hundred bucks, maybe go to a concert, but BON JOVI is the week before (That made me cry.....I would have paid the hundred) The spa, well I am not even going to share those prices!!! *OUCH* I know everyone is thinking, well what did you expect, but really I didn't think a hundred dollars to go do something. I guess Chris and I will just have to walk around see things, but not join in! I know we are still going to have a blast!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Small Town Living
I just want to say how I love living in a small town. It is so different from living in the big city. Our town has about 1900 people(at last census, although probably less now) Our county, probably 6000 although that is just a guess. It hit me on Saturday, when I was in the grocery store getting a couple of things. As many of you know I use to work in a dentist office. I was there for about 5 years. Anyway, I had a patient and her mother come up to me while I was in the store and tell me how much they really miss me. I don't know these people other than from my previous job. But we bonded on a professional level. She told me about her daughters last check up and that everything was good. Said she just wanted to tell me they miss me. I thought that was the nicest thing! But not just that. When I go anywhere, I know people. They wave or come talk for a minuet. You can walk down the street and feel ok to wave at someone. Or even just passing on the road! Everyone waves at everyone on the road.
I love small town living! (Who'd a thought?)
I love small town living! (Who'd a thought?)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Well Primaries Are Over
Ok, so yesterday was the primaries for the presidential election of 08'. I voted yesterday (obviously) and it was an experience. I have never voted in the primaries before. I really have not cared as much as I do know. It's kinda strange for me to have this new desire for politics. I never have paid much attention. And when I say politics I don't mean the fussing and fighting and arguing, but the search for our leaders of America.
Anyways, I am on a new hunt now. Huckabee didn't make it to be a nominee. =( So I am on to researching the others again. I think I know who I will pick based on the only options I have. My husband said we should just keep Bush in the White House because of who we have to choose from. I'm not so sure, I don't agree with him!
Maybe Huckabee will run again in 4 years.
Anyways, I am on a new hunt now. Huckabee didn't make it to be a nominee. =( So I am on to researching the others again. I think I know who I will pick based on the only options I have. My husband said we should just keep Bush in the White House because of who we have to choose from. I'm not so sure, I don't agree with him!
Maybe Huckabee will run again in 4 years.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Teacher in the news in Houston
There is a teacher in the news in Houston, who has been caught treating children badly. She was teaching a kindergarten (LET ME REPEAT THAT...KINDERGARTEN) class and told the kids that she was "going to be mean to ya'll because ya'll are mean to me , and you are all stupid, God I swear" @!#$! She has currently been reassigned in the office for temporary while the superintendant undergoes the investigation. The kicker is she was suspended from school for a day in the past for slapping a child across the face!!! Am I the only one who feels this lady should be fired. Or at least reassigned to seniors in high school. These are our children. Little one who need to be taught. I don't think she should be put back in the elementary school with any children.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Loaded Topic
Ok, well I know that the politics is a loaded topic, and I am not going to push my opinions on anyone. But the presidential election is something I feel compelled to be involved in. Never have I really paid as much attention to it as I have and am this year. I have been trying to do some research on the canidates to find which one I will vote for.
Here is one of my issues.....(although I am sure you will hear more eventually)
Insurance! And not that everyone in America needs to have quality health care. Yes I think it would be wonderful if everyone in America could have quality health care, but I think for starters you should be more concerned with getting the health care system to be quality! I have worked with insurance for about 6 years now, and if I could only share all of my experiences your mouth would fall to the floor. But a couple of recent ones have really bothered me.
Medicare for example. I was on the phone with them the other day for 3 hours (I kid you not) about an insurance policy on a patient. The patient says they have medicare, the EOB (explination of benefits) comes back they have an HMO of medicare, not actual medicare. I asked them to tell me what the policy is. I know they have it because they have given it to me before. She tells me I have to call an automated system to find out. After trying to even figure out the system in the end it tells me " And medicare is primary" I call back medicare and explain. She says well its not. Go through it again. IT TOOK ME 30 MIN THE FIRST TIME! I eventually get on the phone with a supervisor who tells me they can loose their job if they tell me. This has been sent down from congress, that if its available on the auto. system they can't give it to me. They have had pay cuts and they can either cut our pay (the doctors) or they cut the amount of time they are on the phone. EXCUSE ME but didn't I waist a couple of hours of rep time instead of the saying "oh, ok Robyn it is Impovement Plus insurance" I mean get real! The insurance system is very broken. I have another patient who I have been fighting his insurance since October. I have called on 9 different occasions and spoke with 9 different people, who all give me the same information. "yes we should pay for more visits, his policy states we will pay for 20 after the deductible" No one could get this processed. Then the other day I get a letter saying they applied the 20 visits to all visits which included ones that went to the patients deductible. AND THEY CAN DO THIS! No one stops them. We pay insurance companies to do what ever they want to.
This is just a few examples I have hundreds. But we need to fix what we have now before we throw all of america into it!
Here is one of my issues.....(although I am sure you will hear more eventually)
Insurance! And not that everyone in America needs to have quality health care. Yes I think it would be wonderful if everyone in America could have quality health care, but I think for starters you should be more concerned with getting the health care system to be quality! I have worked with insurance for about 6 years now, and if I could only share all of my experiences your mouth would fall to the floor. But a couple of recent ones have really bothered me.
Medicare for example. I was on the phone with them the other day for 3 hours (I kid you not) about an insurance policy on a patient. The patient says they have medicare, the EOB (explination of benefits) comes back they have an HMO of medicare, not actual medicare. I asked them to tell me what the policy is. I know they have it because they have given it to me before. She tells me I have to call an automated system to find out. After trying to even figure out the system in the end it tells me " And medicare is primary" I call back medicare and explain. She says well its not. Go through it again. IT TOOK ME 30 MIN THE FIRST TIME! I eventually get on the phone with a supervisor who tells me they can loose their job if they tell me. This has been sent down from congress, that if its available on the auto. system they can't give it to me. They have had pay cuts and they can either cut our pay (the doctors) or they cut the amount of time they are on the phone. EXCUSE ME but didn't I waist a couple of hours of rep time instead of the saying "oh, ok Robyn it is Impovement Plus insurance" I mean get real! The insurance system is very broken. I have another patient who I have been fighting his insurance since October. I have called on 9 different occasions and spoke with 9 different people, who all give me the same information. "yes we should pay for more visits, his policy states we will pay for 20 after the deductible" No one could get this processed. Then the other day I get a letter saying they applied the 20 visits to all visits which included ones that went to the patients deductible. AND THEY CAN DO THIS! No one stops them. We pay insurance companies to do what ever they want to.
This is just a few examples I have hundreds. But we need to fix what we have now before we throw all of america into it!
I don't know if this is a sign or not, and don't want to read to much into it and get my hopes up. I keep having these dreams that I am pregnant. I was thinking, well maybe its just on my mind so much lately that it is in my subconscious also. But then, just a day or so ago Clint told me he has been having dreams that I am pregnant also. And trust me.....he isn't thinking about it as much as I am. Is God trying to tell us or prepare us for something?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Already here we are, life is so boring that I have nothing to write about. People always ask what we have been up too. Well.....working, paying bills, and sleeping at night. How sad! =(
I don't mean life sucks. Life is really quite wonderful. God has truely blessed me with a wonderful husband, job, boss, family, just not a lot is going on in our world right now.
I know once I get pregnant though, I probably wont have enough time to say what we have been up to. But really right now, nothing is going on.
Hopefully Clint will take me fishing this weekend if the weather is nice. It's been a while since we have been on the lake.
I don't mean life sucks. Life is really quite wonderful. God has truely blessed me with a wonderful husband, job, boss, family, just not a lot is going on in our world right now.
I know once I get pregnant though, I probably wont have enough time to say what we have been up to. But really right now, nothing is going on.
Hopefully Clint will take me fishing this weekend if the weather is nice. It's been a while since we have been on the lake.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Peaceful Thoughts
Trust in His timing ~ Rely on His promises ~ Believe in His miracles ~ Rejoice in His goodness ~ Relax in His presence.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Uggghhh! People!
I don't know if it is just me, or if people are really just plain pootie these days. I can't stand it when you start talking to some one or just say their name for example and the first comment out of their mouth is "WHAT" all pootiness and poopy like! Why can't people be more respective and pleasant. Why not say "yes" or even "huh" would be much better!!!! I get so irritated with rudeness. I know I shouldn't let it bother me this much, but I just needed to vent. Does this bother any one else this much?
Monday, February 18, 2008
As many of you probably know, I work in a chiropractic office. All day long patients are coming in and out. I usually try to ask everyone how there day is going. I get all kinds of responses. But usually I get...."terrible or I wouldn't be here" or " Can anything else go wrong" or "I don't see why God just doesn't take me now."
Its understandable from time to time for everyone to have a rotten day, but why right off the bat complain about it. In general "How is your day"......Well the sun is shinning, I am alive and God is good.
I challenge everyone, including myself to be positive and help share with others to be positive. Of course you will have your bad days. If not Heaven wouldn't look so good!
Its understandable from time to time for everyone to have a rotten day, but why right off the bat complain about it. In general "How is your day"......Well the sun is shinning, I am alive and God is good.
I challenge everyone, including myself to be positive and help share with others to be positive. Of course you will have your bad days. If not Heaven wouldn't look so good!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Starting this Blog
I hope in starting this blog that my life will get a little more interesting and give me something to really blog about. For example.....getting pregnant, maybe that will happen now that I have a blog, and I could blog about it.
Wish me luck, lots of prayers, and send me some "baby dust" if you are pregnant!
Wish me luck, lots of prayers, and send me some "baby dust" if you are pregnant!
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